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"Kindle" Grand Champion and Junior Hunter, OFA "Excellent" has been bred to "Wesson" Grand Champion and Master Hunter, OFA "Excellent"

Kindle is: AKC GCH Int'l CH Multiple BBE BIS, Reserve BIS Firelight's Start a Revolution JH
Wesson is: Am GCH Szizlin Smith & Wesson's Make My Day MH DS CGC NAVHDA NA Pz II
These puppies will be gorgeous AND birdy! Of course they will be raised with the Puppy Culture protocols!
Puppies should have potential to be both Show prospects and Hunting companions. Health checks for both dogs can be verified at the website. See more pictures and info on Kindle under Our Dogs tab. Pictures below are of the Sire Wesson.

Firelight Vizslas
Naturally Reared AKC Vizsla Puppies, Raised with Puppy Culture protocols
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